Top Task Identification

Identify those few tasks that are most important to your customers (or employees on your intranet) to give you an extreme, data-driven focus for maximizing your return on website investment.


  • Obtain solid data to inform critical website strategy decisions.
  • Identify the vital visitor tasks on which to focus your limited resources.
  • Understand the 5% of your website that is delivering at least 25% of its value.

What is Top Task Identification?

  • Based on over 10 years of research by world-renowned web content expert, Gerry McGovern, the Customer Carewords top task identification approach is a unique scoring technique enabling customers to tell you in precise, statistical terms their top tasks when they arrive at your website.

What is the cost and timeframe?

  • Typically takes 10-12 weeks.
  • Costs typically range from $20-50K depending on the complexity of the website.

When should I do Top Task Identification?

  • When considering major website changes and need to have a good understanding of what key visitor tasks are most important to achieving an effective and satisfying self-serve web experience.

What do I get?

  • Written report with critical analysis of the data, clear identification of the top tasks on your website, and a set of actionable recommendations for improving your customer experience.
  • Classification of the tasks into major task groups.
  • Top task management strategy for evolving a customer-centric approach throughout your organization.

Why Neo Insight and Customer Carewords?

  • Neo Insight and the Customer Carewords partnership has been developing customer-centric strategies for websites since 1994, identifying the top tasks of thousands of customers and employees. We focus relentlessly on increasing productivity and efficiency to reduce costs and ensure your customers can quickly and easily complete the tasks they’ve come to your website to do.

More Top Task Identification details on Customer Carewords website.

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